protect the eventful history

our friendship is close

It takes a lot to keep this beautiful castle in all its historical glory and with the financial support of our friends and patrons we have been able to achieve a lot in the past. 

In this way we ensure that a piece of cultural heritage is preserved. The cooperation between the Friends and the Castle is close, and together we provide the Friends with fun extras.

the value of friendship

What can a friend expect for an amount starting from Euro 50.00 p.p. per year:

  • Gift is tax deductible (2012 Giving Act)
  • Free admission for 1 person*
  • Invitation to at least 1 friends afternoon with lecture and drink
  • Digital newsletter by email
  • 10% off purchases in the castle store.
  • 10% At the Baroness**
  • 1 guest per day free admission
  • Pre-registration at events (Goldcard pass)

    * during regular business hours
    **maximum €200 per order / €20 discount

The annual donation to the castle is at least 80% of the previous year's donations. This way you know what share of your contribution is spent on a project, and what share is spent on organizational costs such as the friends afternoon.

You are already a Friend from € 50.00 p.p. per year. Of course, a higher amount is more than welcome. A donation of € 1250,00 makes you a "Friend for Life".

What friendship brings

board friends and protectors

Chairman : Willem van Hezewijk

Secretary: Jan Kraus

Treasurer: Willem de Groot

Member: Joukje de Jong

The directors receive no compensation for their work.

Yes, I support the castle and become a Friend!
