Castle Heeswijk and Brabants Landschap Together inseparable

natural pool

The estate consists of an alternation of old venerable deciduous forest, former coppice and fields and meadows, all situated in the valley of the river Aa. Due to the straightening of this brook in the first half of the 20th century, the brook valley had become seriously desiccated. Fortunately from the 1980's the realisation grew that dehydration is just as bad as flooding and that you have to 'store' the water in the right places. 

Because the estate has been designated by the government as a 'Wet Nature Area', the Aa has been (re)designed as a natural stream over a length of 15 km. This is favourable for kingfisher and meadow creek juggernaut. Adjacent meadows are flowery again. A meander that was cut off in the thirties has been reconnected to the brook, allowing current-loving fish such as the little barbel to pass through an obstructing weir.

Castle Heeswijk is inextricably linked with Brabants Landscape. Together we ensure that a visit to the Heeswijk estate is one you will not easily forget.

entrance members brabants landschap

As a member of the Brabants Landschap, you have free admission* to the castle (valid for max. 2 adults and 2 children per membership card).

* Applies only to the regular admission price and not to events. In the menu of the online tickets you can see if the Brabants Landschap pass is valid on the day of visit.


Vossenstreken is a super fun walking app for the whole family with surprising routes in Brabant and Kempens Landschap that you can walk all year round. Put on your stoutest shoes and dive into nature together with nature expert Robin. Along the way he will give you adventurous and crazy assignments, with which you can win great surprises. And yes, you can get dirty. It's going to be fun!

Walk in combination with restaurants in the neighbourhood
In Vossenstreken you will always find a perfect destination for a walk in the season, exactly according to the philosophy of the app: routes with fun and educational assignments, between three and a half and five kilometres and always with (good) restaurants in the neighbourhood. 

here your senses are stimulated