frequently asked questions /FAQ

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On the FAQ page you will find the answers to frequently asked questions. Is your question not answered by this? Then please fill in the contact form below. You will receive an answer within 2 working days.




Visitors to the castle and estate, walkers and cyclists: 

Parking lot:, Parking lot Castle Heeswijk  

Public transport: from station Den Bosch - bus 158 direction Veghel, stop Gouverneursweg Kasteel Heeswijk.

Suppliers, wedding couples and disabled visitors can report via intercom at the barrier address Castle 4, entrance via Governors Road and receive a parking pass from the castle. 

Without a Castle parking card the use of the parking lot Castle 4 is not allowed, there will be checked.




Tuesday - Sunday

10.00 – 17.00 u

*Different opening hours due to holidays possible. Check the calendar on Now and Soon for current information.

route to Castle parking lot Heeswijk